Fishing licenses and Regulations
The button below will redirect you to Alaska Fish And Games website for more information and to apply for your Personal Use Fishing Permits.
Chitina Subdistrict (Personal Use)
Under the Copper River Personal Use Dip Net Salmon Fishery Management Plan (5 AAC 77.591) salmon may be taken in the Chitina Subdistrict from June 7 through September 30 during periods established by Emergency Order. Emergency orders are issued during the season to adjust this schedule based on escapement estimates at the Miles Lake sonar. Information regarding fishery openings will be updated and posted on Fish and Game's website.
Fishing licenses need to be obtained before and in possession the day of the fishing charter. Two licenses are needed, which are:
Proxy fishing: If you are fishing using a proxy, you need to have all of the proper documentation for the proxy in your possession the day of the charter and all paperwork needs to go fishing with the fisher men/women.
There is a $75 additional fee for proxy fishing the same day you fish.
In Alaska, "Personal use" is a legally defined regulatory category of fishery. It is defined as "the taking, fishing for, or possession of finfish, shellfish, or other fishery resources, by Alaska residents for personal use and not for sale or barter, with gill or dip net, seine, fish wheel, long line, or other means defined by the Board of Fisheries".
Personal use fishing is open to Alaskan residents only, and you must have a valid resident Sport Fishing License to participate in personal use fisheries.
The bag, possession, and gear limits in personal use fisheries MAY NOT be added to the bag, possession, and gear limits under sport or subsistence regulations.
It is unlawful to buy, sell, trade or barter personal use finfish, shellfish, aquatic plants, or their parts.
Many, but not all, personal use fisheries require a permit issued by the Department of Fish and Game. Personal use fisheries have many different regulations for bag limits, allowable gear, and time and area restrictions. Some personal use fisheries are managed in-season by emergency order, so regulations can change at any time. Always check with the local Fish and Game office before participating in personal use fisheries.